
Showing posts from February, 2023

Resolution and Aspect Ratio in PhotoShop


Focal Length and Frame Rate

 FOCAL LENGTH AND FRAME RATE 1. What is focal length? Focal Length indicates the distance between the centre of a lens and its focus point in millimetres.  2.  What is the visual difference between a low mm lens and high mm lens? A lens with a short focal length gives you a wider field of view.   The higher the mm number on your lens the more narrow the view will be 3.  When do you use a lower mm focal length? When do you use a higher focal length?  Lower mm focal length is used to photograph wider field view such as landscapes. Higher mm focal length is used to photograph close ups and smaller vignette in a landscape scene. 4. V isual examples of low & high mm focal lengths

Progressive vs Interlaced Scan

  Progressive vs Interlaced Scan 1. What is Progressive and Interlaced scan? Progressive scan draws all of the lines in a single frame of video sequentially so that each frame contains a complete image that fills the screen.  In Interlaced scan every other line of an image is displayed in one frame 2. Why does it matter? It is important because bandwidth must be taken into consideration because only a certain amount of data can be transmitted at once. Interlaced video saves bandwidth by only sending half of a complete frame at once.  3. Why should we know the difference? It is important to know the difference between Progressive and Interlaced scan to understand why cable TV has low picture quality and resolution compared to high end TVs and laptops.