
Showing posts from January, 2023


 WHITE BALANCE: 1. What is white balance? White balance helps in balancing the color temperature in an image to make it look more natural. It adds the opposite color to the image in order to bring the color temperature back to neutral.  2. How is color temperature measured? Color temperature is measured in units of  Kelvin  (K). 3.  Why should a photographer know how to change the white balance in their camera? Getting natural-looking colors and skin tones in images is important because it may be difficult to fix or alter it after the picture is already taken. 


 THE CAMERA- SHUTTER SPEED  1. What is shutter speed? Shutter speed is the amount of time that the camera shutter is open, letting light into the camera sensor. It is how long a camera spends taking a photo. 2.  How is it measured? Shutter speeds are usually measured in fractions of a second when they are under a second.  3.  How does it affect exposure?  When using a long shutter speed, the camera sensor gathers a lot of light, and the photograph ends up being quite bright. When using a quick shutter speed, the camera sensor is only exposed to a small amount of light, resulting in a darker image. 4. What is the purpose of a slow shutter speed? Long shutter speeds are used for low light and nigh photography, or to capture movement intentionally. 5. What is the purpose of a fast shutter speed? Fast shutter speeds are used to freeze action within photographs. 6. Find visual examples of slow shutter and fast shutter speeds. SLOW SHUTTER SPEED: FAST SHUTTER SPEED:

ISO & Gain

The Camera- ISO and Gain 1.  What is ISO? ISO is the setting that makes your photos brighter or darker. By increasing the ISO number, the picture becomes brighter. 2. What is the visual difference between low & high ISO? High ISO images are much brighter, whereas low ISO images are darker. 3. When do you use a lower ISO? When do you use a higher ISO? Low ISO is used when there is plenty of light, to minimize the appearance of noise as much as possible. High ISO is used to fight against motion blur and to pick up a sharper image. 4. Find visual examples of low & high ISO noise visibility.   ISO 100: ISO 200 ISO 400 ISO 800 ISO 1600 ISO 3200 ISO 6400 \  
  THE CAMERA-  APERTURE AND IRIS 1. What is aperture? Aperture is the opening of the camera lens through which light passes to enter the camera.  2.  How does it affect exposure? In large aperture, a lot of light passes through the camera lens, resulting in a brighter photograph. In small aperture, very little light enters the camera lens, resulting in a darker photograph. 3. How does it affect depth of field? A large aperture results in large amount of foreground and background blur, creating low depth of field. A small aperture results in small amount of background blur, creating greater depth of field. 4. How do you pick the right aperture for your scene?  The right aperture depends upon how much depth of field and exposure you desire in the picture. 5. Find visual examples of shallow & large depth of field (Internet) SHALOW DEPTH OF FIELD: LARGE DEPTH OF FIELD: