
Showing posts from September, 2022

Elements & Principles of Design

ELEMENTS OF DESIGN LEADING LINES Leading lines are  a compositional technique where human-made or natural lines lead the viewer's eyes through a photograph to the subject or the heart of the image.  VERTICAL LINE S Vertical lines represent  growth, strength and confidence  in photos. Just like with our body language, when we stand up straight, we appear more in control, confident and strong. If a subject is leaning against a vertical line in an image, they look supported. HORIZONTAL LINES  A horizontal line is  a straight line that runs from the left side of the frame to the right .  Horizontal lines  give the impression of stability  because of their relation to the horizon and the ground that we stand on. When you combine that with a material known for it's strength, you can produce a photo that really stands out for it's stability. DIAGONAL LINES Diagonal lines are  a compositional element that stretches diagonally across a photo . They guide the eye through the frame, c

First Post

 This is my first post